Breast Cancer Awareness Month


Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2022

This month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month where we want to raise awareness about breast cancer and how we can show ways to reduce the risk. 

Throughout this month lots of information has been given out, highlighting the ways in which you can actively reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. The causes of breast cancer aren’t fully understood however, factors such as inheriting genes, environmental factors and lifestyle choices all contribute. 

What causes Breast Cancer? 

There is no simple cause as a variety of risk factors can make you more or less susceptible. We are all susceptible and it can be due to a range of things. Such as a family history of breast cancer can mean there is more of a risk. Your surrounding environment, for example being exposed to radiation in medical treatments can heighten your risk. Lack of physical activity and being overweight are also well recognised factors. More commonly known are lifestyle choices such as smoking and drinking alcohol which has been proven to cause cancer. 

How to reduce your risk 

Women are more susceptible than men but there are choices you can make to reduce your risk. 

A good diet and a healthy weight can help protect you against breast cancer. Starting by eating natural and unprocessed foods. Having a varied and balanced diet with a range of nutrients is so important. There is no ideal diet for preventing breast cancer but being conscious about what you eat can help. Particularly because many studies have highlighted the importance of having fruit and vegetables in your diet. 

Physical activity reduces cancer risk 

By being physically active you can reduce your risk of breast cancer by around 20%. Physical activity can generally improve the capacity of the immune system to protect you from cancer. A few small changes you can make are: 

  • Walk or cycle to work 

  • Take the stairs instead of the escalators or lift 

  • Stand while participating in a phone conference 

  • Use fitness apps/trackers that remind you to move 

  • Going for small walks throughout the day 

There is much more information on the website to inform you on how to check for breast cancer, prevention and how to donate. There are lots of fundraiser challenges and fitness challenges taking place this month which you also can take a look at on their website.