Eating disorders can be difficult to open up about and can make someone feel very isolated and potentially lonely.
Molly Smith was 14 years old when she was diagnosed with anorexia. Since recovering Molly has started a podcast discussing eating disorders in the hope to breakdown some of the taboo topics surrounding it.
“Since recovering, I’ve been so passionate about speaking openly on eating disorders because when I was poorly, I felt like nobody understood me” (BBC Newsbeat – 2023)
Molly wanted to create a space where people felt heard and could reach out to get help.
There are many misconceptions about eating disorders, most assuming it is about drastic weight loss however, this isn’t the case. “People think they are entirely about weight, but with so many people weight loss is just a side effect of the eating disorder” (BBC News – 2023).
Molly’s series is called The Weigh Up: Eating Disorder Diaries
Sensitive topics such as binge eating, and the impact of social media is all covered in this podcast as well as interviews with family members and guests.
You can listen to this podcast on BBC Sounds.
If you are affected by any topics which have been mentioned here are some charities which provide support. Furthermore, our safeguarding button is on the left of the sidebar where you can speak to one of our safeguarding officers for advice and help.
Below is a video from the charity Beat Eating Disorders. You can find more information and stories on there website. (Link above)