New Learning Content on Pivot Point

There is now new updated learning content on Pivot Point which includes work books and activities for you to complete. 

The new topics include more lessons in Anatomy and Physiology. Safe working practices to support Hairdressing, Barbering and the Beauty Level 2 Programmes.

The lessons are as follows:

   205BT Anatomy and Physiology

·         205BT.01 Building Blocks of the Human Body

·         205BT.02 The Integumentary System (The Skin)

·         205BT.03 Hair Theory

·         205BT.04 Nail Theory

·         205BT.05 The Muscular System

·         205BT.06 The Skeletal System

·         205BT.07 The Circulatory System


·         Safe Working Practices – Policies

·         Safe Working Practices – Procedures

·         Safe Working Practices – Hazards and Risks

·         Safe Working Practices – Formative Assessment